Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
According to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), students are expected to participate in PDHPE for between 1.5 and 2.5 hours per week in Kindergarten to Year 6.
PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.
K - 2 Sport
K-2 sport has changed from Friday to Thursday mornings.
Note Re - K-2 Sport (pdf 88 KB)
We have physical activity programs for children from Kindergarten to Year 6, with a focus on fundamental movement skills.
Sport and physical activity is a valued and accepted part of our school's curriculum, contributing to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for social, physical, emotional and moral learning and is an important expression of our culture.
The participation, enjoyment and skill development of our students is the corner-stone of the school sport/ physical activity program. All our students take part in this program.
There are also opportunities to represent our school at inter-school sports competitions. As a NSW public school we benefit from the opportunities for shared activities and competitions with other schools, coordinated by school sport associations. See the School Sport Unit website for details.
Interschool Sport
Students in years 3-6 are able to participate in interschool sport in in the Botany Bay PSSA zone Sports include: netball, softball, cricket, oz-tag, and soccer
As part of team membership students must sign a "Sports Code of Behaviour" and their parents a "Code of Conduct for Parents".
The school swimming carnival is for all Years 3 - 6 students while the school athletics carnival is for Kinder to Year 6. There is also a cross country carnival for Years 3 – 6. These events are held annually. Selected students proceed then to the Botany Bay District Schools' Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Championships.
School Sport
K-2 students participate in a Sports Program on Thursday Morning. This program is devised to teach students basic skills needed for the team sports they will learn in the 3-6 sports program.
All students 3-6 not participating in interschool sport are given the opportunity to develop skills in a wide variety of sporting activities on Friday mornings.
Sport Development Programs
Students in years 3-6 are able to participate in a wide variety of sports . Throughout the year, outside providers visit the school to offer taster days and specialised sports programs in a variety of disciplines.
House Teams
Students in years 3-6 belong to one of four houses for the purpose of our in-school sporting activities:
Hinkler - Blue
Hillary - Red
Scott - Yellow
Piccard - Green
Brothers and sisters, when possible, are placed in the same house.
Below are PSSA notes re- Code of Conduct that have gone home with students. PSSA Code of Conduct (PDF 387KB)