Ramsgate Public School

Where students are Safe, Respectful, Active Learners

Telephone02 9529 7267


Canteen & 2nd Hand Uniforms

Our Canteen and 2nd Hand Uniform Shop is run by our P&C and Parent Volunteers.

If you have any questions about the Canteen or 2nd Hand Uniforms, you can contact the P&C via email ramsgatepnc@gmail.com

Online Canteen Orders - Munch Monitor

Online ordering is available through Munch Monitor

To set up an account go to www.munchmonitor.com

Enter SCHOOL ID: ramsgateps
Enter PASSWORD: munch2217
then follow the prompts to Create your Account

Call Munch Monitors on 1300 796 190 if you need any further assistance.

Order online by 8:45am. Alternatively, students can bring cash and place their order over the counter before 9am.

Click here for Munch Monitor Instructions and Help

All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements.  These include providing more healthy food and drink options - to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students.  Visit Healthy School Canteens to learn more.

Calling for Canteen Volunteers!

Can you volunteer in our school canteen?

We need volunteers to continue to offer our children healthy and affordable lunches.

All we need is one volunteer from 9am - 12pm, one day per month.

If you would like to help out please send an email to ramsgatepnc@gmail.com.

The NSW Department of Education has a requirement that all volunteers must complete a WWCC declaration form. These can now be done digitally.

If you have not yet provided your details, and would like to be added to our volunteer list, please send an email to ramsgate-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au with your full name, email address and phone number and we will start the digital declaration for you.

2nd Hand Uniforms

The P&C run a second hand uniform shop where you can buy good quality pre-loved uniforms for your children.

Every Monday (during school terms) 3:00pm - 3:15pm

The first Saturday of the month at the Organic Markets

Next to the school canteen building. Look out for our green P&C flag!


You can also order school hats and bags online via Munch Monitor. RPS caps are available for $20 and backpacks are $50. Order online and they will be delivered to your child’s classroom with the lunch orders.

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