Ramsgate Public School

Where students are Safe, Respectful, Active Learners

Telephone02 9529 7267


P&C Association

Our P&C provides a forum in which parents can develop their partnership with the school and articulate their aspirations for their children's education.

If you would like to contact the P&C, you can email them at ramsgatepnc@gmail.com

Facebook page - CLICK HERE
Instagram - CLICK HERE

P&C meetings are held on Tuesday nights of Week 3 and Week 8 each term.

Our P&C:

  • Promotes the interest of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation
  • Assists in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school
  • Encourages parent and community participation in curriculum and other educational issues in schools
  • Assists and co-operate with teaching staff at public functions associated with the school

Throughout the year the P&C is involved in numerous school activities including fundraising activities

  • Second-hand uniform shop
  • Parent Social Trivia night
  • Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls
  • Easter celebrations
  • School Canteen profits support school initiatives. All funds raised go back into school initiatives
  • Welcome Family Disco Under the Stars and Christmas Under the Stars
  • Thank you and Welcome lunches and morning teas as well as kindergarten orientation

P&C Committee Members:

President – Tiana Russell 

Vice President 1 – Scott Andrew

Treasurer –  Deepika Rao 

Secretary – Kerré Venter

Office Bearers (Sub-committee)

Canteen Bookkeeper – TBC  

Canteen Coordinator 1 – Candice Wyatt-Davies

Uniform Coordinator – Catherine Lagunday, Sarah Broadley, Kelly McDonnell

Events Coordinator – Fiona Garnham, Marianna Galouzis  

Social Media Coordinator – Angela Perosin, Kelly McDonnell, Marianna Galouzis